Novi posta Negreanu-a na blogu, WSOP Fantasy News and Reviews. Ovaj put Negreanu analizira timove koje su on i drugi high stakes igrači izabrali u WSOP fantasy ligi. Svaki učesnik lige ima 200 bodova da odabere 8 igrača. Vrlo zanimljivo.
Team #2 Barry Greenstein
1: Barry Greenstein 64
2: Phil Ivey 108
3: Chau Giang 19
4: John Pham 2
5: Ralph Perry 3
6: Ted Forrest 1
7: Joseph Serock 1
8: Jimmy Fricke 1
Comments: Go big or go home! Barry chose to draft the most valuable player in the draft, Phil Ivey, to complement his own full schedule of events then fill the team with whoever he could get really. best value could be Jimmy Fricke as he's been playing mixed games more and will likely play a full schedule. Chau Giang at 19 seems a bit high as he is hit or miss in terms of events played. Ralph Perry and Ted Forrest are both potential superstars, but will they play?